Our Committee

A dedicated committee striving for community

wellbeing & business connection.

Ian Wood


Ian as one of the owners of local station Surf FM 87.6 has a long history as a business owner an influencer in the Cranbourne area. He has a great passion for helping other local business people achieve their goals by establishing and growing local business. He has been member of the Chamber of Commerce for over 10 years, holding various positions and was only too willing to step up into the  President’s role when it became available.

In this role Ian has a remit of connecting with local business and helping them to solve any problems they may have. He is a leading force behind the current drive to reignite and establish the Chamber.

Judy Davis

Vice President

Judy has been a prominent citizen of Cranbourne for more years than she cares to remember. She is known by everyone of influence in the area and a whole lot more. As well as establishing and running her own business she managed to raise a family and also found time to be a member of the Chamber for many years and to manage the Cranbourne Hall, a position she still holds.

After a break from the Chamber she was requested to rejoin and take over the presidency during the difficult Covid period. A Challenge she took on with her normal boundless energy and experience. Now that Covid is becoming a memory she is the driving force behind the current initiative to re-establish the Chamber as a business focused group, working for the business people of Cranbourne.

Kristin Lord


Kavitha Joachim


Anthony Tassone

Committee Member

Anthony Cheeseman

Committee Member

Rob Ward

Committee Member

Rob Ward from Reward Consulting.

In Casey, Rob served as a community member on the Council Audit and Ethics Committee for eight years and currently is on the Casey Community Safety Advisory Group. He has served as Chair of Casey Neighbourhood Watch and on the Board of Neighbourhood Watch Victoria.

Today he runs a Business Group and freelances in marketing for several small businesses while trying to slow down.

Rob supports the Casey E.Y.E Project at Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre (Empowering Youth Engagement) in City of Casey, KorusConnect.

Bill McMartin

Committee Member

Damien Rosario

Committee Member