The Casey E.Y.E. Project (Empowering Youth Engagement) is holding a Founders Event on:
Friday 23rd June 2023
Location: L’Arte Central Café (2/65 Berwick-Cranbourne Rd, Cranbourne East VIC 3977)
Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm.
The event is FREE.
Jenny Phillips is positively impacting the youth (and other parts of the local community) through her work as a Korus Connect community connector at Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre.
Jenny has a unique role and opportunity to empower young people, many of whom gather at Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre, to truly engage and get the help they need.
This work can bring about real and lasting change and give these youth a better future. But Jenny cannot do it alone.
Vicinity Centres, Korus Connect and the City of Casey are partnering together to ensure that this work is on a solid and sustainable financial footing.
We need to raise $30,000 to continue this work. The night is free, but for you and me, will not be without cost. We cannot afford to see this work fade away because we turned away; we can do this together.
Register by 16 June at or email
Come and hear for yourself from Jenny and others about Casey EYE.
PS The night includes a comprehensive grazing table, tea, coffee, and soft drinks. Gluten free is catered for.