The new Federal Government Education Campaign can assist small businesses in their sustainability endeavors and to start using the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) on their packaging.

With a deadline of December 2023 for 80% of all supermarket products to feature the ARL, and 2025 targets for all Australian-made and sold packaging  to be 100% reusable, recyclable, and compostable, the campaign is timely.

Knowing what can and can’t be recycled can be confusing – not only for customers but for businesses too! The Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) is the simple way for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to provide easy-to-understand packaging recycling information.

Using the ARL on your packaging can bring a range of benefits:

  • Show customers you’re serious about sustainability.
  • Improve your brand reputation and attract new customers.
  • Cut through recycling confusion.
  • Join a community of other like-minded businesses that are working to reduce the harmful impact of packaging on the environment.

 SME Toolkit: This  kit is for sending to relevant SMEs in your network.  It contains a range of educational resources. It helps you pass on information about sustainable packaging and the ARL in one easy format.

Partner/Intermediary Kit: This  kit is designed to help  your team explain the ARL to an SME audience. It contains scripts, eDM copy, and social media tiles to use on your communications channels.

There are also additional great resources on the campaign website: